This be my booty (god, the word booty will probably always make me giggle like a fifth grader. Teehee. Booty. Pirates!) of the day. A small but respectable treasure, I think.

And this was my outfit. I am going to wear the life out of these shorts, they're so comfortable and the pockets are huge. This was the shirt from Friday, and the brogues from yesterday. I wish they were a size bigger, but I know I'll wear them until my feel fall off.

This is my watch list for the week on ebay:
1) Vintage 80's Military Mod Gold Button Jacket. My current bid is $28 + $7... 8 more days so I highly doubt I'll win it, but it'll be a good investment if I do win it. Hah. I have no idea why I even bid, but I wanted it so hard. Edit: Oh look, I've been outbid! Please take the bid button away from my screen. Please, someone, I'll hurt myself.......! *bids again* This is painful.
2) I cried when I saw these. I, sadly, am not lying. La Meow vintage has a bunch of really cute jumpers / mini dresses along with the shoes, definitely check her out.
3) Olive Studded Stones V neck romper. I like many more rompers but this one reminds me a lot of an Anthropologie romper a few seasons ago, and I loved that thing. Another jumper. And another. WARNING EXTREMELY SKANKY BUT AWESOME JUMPSUIT. Probably not work safe. Why are all the gold jumpsuits skanky? Don't answer that.
As for jumpers, theres such an abundance of nice ones on ebay I can't even list them all an I won't both. Ebay search vintage romper and boom, there you go. I love them but right now I really want a kova&T corset piece (see last post for link).
Also: Express has this gorgeous new shipment of dip-dyed dresses that I unfortunately can't find on their website, so I'll take a picture of the display window tommorow. They're beautiful, but they're $80 so well out of my price range for one dress.
Anyway! I'm off to nurse my aching feet. Lots of love. Thanks for commenting guys, every post makes my day.