Shoes are usually the only thing I bother splurging on, mostly because I've had bad memories with vintage shoes at a cheap price so I'm forced to go for new shoes. I'm a really picky shoe person though. I don't like buying knockoffs, and it befuddles me when knockoffs cost almost as much as the actual shoe they're ripping off from (COUGH I CAN NAME A FEW POPULARBLOG!SHOEBRANDS THAT ARE KNOWN FOR THIS, COUGH) so usually I don't even bother. I do obsess over shoes on a daily basis though, and that one pair of Stella McCartney's Kate Lanphear wore?? Those were the first thing I ever saved up from fashion wise I think. I finally got like $550, JUST enough to buy a pair online, but they sold out of my size the day before. Those shoes are cursed I think because every time I have enough money for them some circumstance prevents me from getting them. OH WELL SO WHAT WHO CARES sobs I will die alone without those shoes and my life will be incomplete

Anyway I got these in the mail (finally) a few hours ago. I've been wanting a pair of creepers for almost as long as I've wanted Rocking Horse shoes -- which I still don't have, sadly -- and at 4 in the morning two weeks ago I stumbled upon this shady sex store shoe warehouse outlet website with horrible design and questionable customer service and was like, "I don't care if the reviews for the website suck I want them give them to me I don't care if they are too small they are perfect and cheap give them NOW" and so I got them and immediately passed out on my keyboard.
Oh, did I mention they were 20 dollars including shipping????????? HAHAHAHA! And luckily they fit perfectly.

My gramma got me a pair of Dorothy slippers when I was about nine or so but they were too small so I never got to wear them. I'd spend a good hour trying to curl my feet enough to be able to put them on but it never happened. I've wanted a pair of ones that fit me for ages, and these are them. Got them at a costume store in the sexy costume section for like, $30? I've gotta spray them with gloss or something so the glitter doesn't fall off though.

What I really dig about these is that they're clear. As in, CLEAR PLASTIC! It's great. I wanted a super versatile pair of creepers and these are it. One day you can be schoolgirl marmy like the above and the next you can wear cat socks and it gives off a whole 'nother vibe.

The heel is about four inches or so, I don't remember. I only like high heels... I've never been into kitten heels because they do nothing for me except make me trip a lot and make my calves look even shorter than they are. Not a good look because I'm barely 5 ft 2.

Necessary terrible gif of me clicking my heels together poorly is necessary. You can't tell but I am actually wearing knee high lace rights and a ruffly garter..... with my highschool sweatshirt because I'm the boss.

DEVASTATINGLY AWESOME, AREN'T THEY? I am wearing them with some tights I got from Elizabeth awhile ago, they're from We Love Colors. I love We Love Colors, I need more stuff from them.

The quality of the shoes is definitely nothing to write home about, but I think I prefer them kind of funky and trashy looking than if they were high quality leather or something because I'd be afraid of ruining them. I have been waiting for these shoes to arrive so I can debut my amazeballs lolita dress I got in early December off of ebay. FUTURE OUTFIT POST FEATURING BOTH ITEMS IS IMMINENT, I PROMISE YOU.
Anyway thats it! I was feelin' chatty today as you can tell. Hopefully you enjoyed my ramblings anyway? Much love.