A while ago I got these jeans from Kill City for a campaign they wanted me to participate in -- 100 Stylish People Around the World. Super fly. These are the only jeans I wear. This shirt is from Jen, it's a Brian Lichtenberg shirt and it is maybe the coolest shirt ever? Yes? Yes.

I also got this amazing, amazing pair of sequined harem pants from Gilda (a.k.a my twin. Not to be confused with my soul, Tavi, or my many wives. You see, I have a fashion harem. We all wear high heels and discuss HGTV and our favorite collections, while listening to the Beastie Boys and have grapes skinned and fed to us by Cole Mohr and Matsumoto Jun.) from a contest a few months ago.
For ye old faithful readers, you may remember this video I did.
I certainly do. My dad used it as a holiday greeting card. I would be mortified, but then I remember my soul died long ago.

I didn't get a chance to get a decent outfit picture of them today, maybe next time I wear them. Here is what I have, though. Use your imagination? USE YOUR IMAGINATION~ CHARLIE~ THE UNICORN~ ETC.

but here ya go. The care tags are hilarious on the pants, dudes. I love them. They say "for skinny bitches" and it makes me feel like eating cupcakes is a reward for not swimming for several months. Or. something. Anywaymovingonawkwardturtle

HOW FUCKING PERFECT IS THIS? A WHOLE LOT, IS HOW MUCH. Indescribable. So good. This was Paul's FW collection, not his spring summer, which was pretty bare and typically.... springy. I really hate the resort and spring/summer collections of a lot of designers. It's an excuse to just do safari and beige for the umpteenth time. Blerg.
I think the only designer I really dig for whiteness other than the givens (mommy and daddy Kawakubo and Yamamoto, obviously) would be Calvein Klein Collection? I have some CKC from the eighties and shit is still divine. Sometimes I fondle it at night. In a non sexual-deviant kind of way.
I think the only designer I really dig for whiteness other than the givens (mommy and daddy Kawakubo and Yamamoto, obviously) would be Calvein Klein Collection? I have some CKC from the eighties and shit is still divine. Sometimes I fondle it at night. In a non sexual-deviant kind of way.
Okay, ta ta for now! I must go on to do homework a.k.a watch more Secret Diary of a Call Girl while sitting on my textbooks.