This week was as bad as Pierce Brosnan's singing in Mamma Mia.

In my asian ways, anyway. I drowned my academic sorrows of mediocrity in pretty clothes, fighting over gooodwill clothes with a crowd of gay black twenty-something's, and meeting up with The White Lightning. Note the capitals, she is just that PRO.
So Everything I'm wearing here is new from the past two days! Lace gown (not the Prada one I thrifted yesterday, I have it next to my Prada skirt I also thrifted.)
weird metallic shirt, and necklaces are from Goodwill and my mom. Elizabeth gave me this pretttyyyy velvet bolero amongsts other things.
My room is hella orange.

My room is hella orange.

In any case, I'm stoked for NYFW! Unfortunately I am not as cool as Tavzsters and don't get tickets to Rodarte / know them by any means (HATEHATEHATE) but I am hopefully going to a few shows, thanks to some rad friends. If my schoolwork doesn't rape my freedom.
Dooodoodooo more posts this week than one, I promise doodoodoo. Especially on the TV article. Speaking of, send me the urls? Thankssss.
Now time for SRS BZNS MMORPG. *ominous music plays*
Now time for SRS BZNS MMORPG. *ominous music plays*