As promised, lots of pictures. The goddamn tutorial video won't work at all; I've tried everything short of chicken sacrifice. Looks like I'll have to take it with a lo-fi camera. Stupid HD converter. Anyway, here is what I wore this week, going backwards from Friday...

My black sheer Capelet, tied up randomly and collar twisted. Wore with thrifted white sheer jacket, flower opaque tights from Sock Drawer, and my Betty's. Damn right I gave them a name.

I don't think it's obvious that I saw the Balmain and Helmut Lang collections right before I wore this, but I did. Originally I was going for the sci-fi fiction kind of thing I saw in some of the Balmain outfits (sorry guys, I thought the sparkly was tacky; wasn't my favorite collection by any means). I lost it with the tights and sheer capelet but I like it more now.

This jacket is so versatile it's ridic. I've worn it at least 7 ways in one day. Best $1 I ever spent.

I wore this around my neighborhood when I got home on Thursday. I found a handful of vintage silk dresses in my closet and one of them was this one. My mom made it, I think; she's been in a foul mood lately so I am too scared to ask her. I love it so much though. Walking in it is a dream.

This is what happen when you wake up two hours early two days straight for two hours of classes you don't understand.

I actually really despise this outfit because the skirt is a pain in the ass and always ends up crooked. I do love my Ralph Lauren vintage boots though. I need to get the soles fixed. New total of shoes to go to cobbler: 10.

Everything in this outfit was a gift from someone. Shirt from helloagainvintage (I miss you guys) from Jew, Harem pant jumpsuit from Zoe, Steve Madden shoes from my dad for 8th grade graduation. I think I've worn them like 3 times.
I'm missing Monday's and another outfit but what
ever son. I bet you've all gone to sleep by now anyway. This is a typical week for me, though. Hope you forgive me for not posting! Cheers.
edit: stupid photobucket!