It's my 18th birthday today you guys!!!! This is a scheduled post because I am (hopefully) out doing something productive and cool. Or I am sleeping.
It is also...the blog's 3 year anniversary. Thank you for sticking around for so long, newcomers and old friends. Through the random hiatuses and my long winded rants, I just wanna know my life wouldn't be the same without this blog and the people I've met through it. Thank you for everything. ♥ I've made the greatest friends from this blog, and I'm constantly making new friends. But I can always use more friends and new blog reads. So please leave a comment and I'd like to check out your own blogs too. :) Payin' it forward! I wanna see new blogs on my blogroll.
This is what I wore Tuesday. I woke up early to go do stuff outside my house but I got side tracked by the k-drama Secret Garden and was so consumed with rage at the main character being a huge creep and potential rapist that I didn't go out at all. (HE IS SO CREEPY I HATE HIM NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENTLY) (Ha I bet Luxirare is shaking her head at me right now. Don't judge me for my koreaboo habits!!)
It is also...the blog's 3 year anniversary. Thank you for sticking around for so long, newcomers and old friends. Through the random hiatuses and my long winded rants, I just wanna know my life wouldn't be the same without this blog and the people I've met through it. Thank you for everything. ♥ I've made the greatest friends from this blog, and I'm constantly making new friends. But I can always use more friends and new blog reads. So please leave a comment and I'd like to check out your own blogs too. :) Payin' it forward! I wanna see new blogs on my blogroll.
This is what I wore Tuesday. I woke up early to go do stuff outside my house but I got side tracked by the k-drama Secret Garden and was so consumed with rage at the main character being a huge creep and potential rapist that I didn't go out at all. (HE IS SO CREEPY I HATE HIM NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENTLY) (Ha I bet Luxirare is shaking her head at me right now. Don't judge me for my koreaboo habits!!)

Anyway yeah. I was feelin a moody dominatrix witch vibe but it ended up being a "New Wave Nun" look as my parents describe it. Whatever works I guess I don't know blahhhhh. Here is a death stare to silence any criticism of my outfit/life/choices.
More photos after the cut, along with clothing credits. Go!

Meh it looks better irl, colors wise. Also it is not shapeless blackness!! It is super witchy and rad I swear. I am wearing the green velvet maxi skirt with a plain black thermal and a black robe over it, undeaneath a harness from Angie. This is my dining room for those who are curious. I used to take a lot of outfit photos in here if you stalk my archives and recognize it. Also this is my wooden parrot. He's kinda quiet.

I love dressing up as a character deliberately, I'm getting back into it after many humdrum days of dressing for convenience. NO MORE! BACK TO FREAKING PEOPLE OUT WITH HOW WEIRD I LOOK! MY FAVORITE THING!!!! Do I have the instinctual urge to want to dress up to be 'pretty'? Yeah sometimes. I wouldn't have so much makeup if I didn't I guess. But it's much more fun to just dress up like i'm a character in a story. A weird, gloomy depressing character who talks to a wooden parrot and has purple pigtails and can put a spell on you with a glare. Anyone who dares defy me will suffer the consequences.

P.S Omg I'm dying to show you guys proper photos of my new glasses. THEY ARE SO PERFECT, YOU WILL DIE!!!
P.S Omg I'm dying to show you guys proper photos of my new glasses. THEY ARE SO PERFECT, YOU WILL DIE!!!