This is from his last collection, but I'm a big fan of his past few seasons, too. I like how sparse and naked they feel. He takes sex out of the equation, like all my other favorite designers. It's one of my favorite things to think about, the relationship of sex to fashion. Most of the time I don't want my clothes to say anything about sex, I don't want to be an object. If they do make a statement about sexuality, I want it to be a subversive one, I want to creep people out, I want to make people as uncomfortable as their leers make me. I want protection and thorns. The idea of a collection designed 'for women' but leaves the idea of what a woman really is -- that is so interesting to me. It is ambiguous and questionable and for that, it's remarkable. Clothes say a lot about a person if you want them to, and these are like opting for silence. It's rebellion.

Learning more about this collection made me love it even more, too. Apparently it's called "The Chamber of Isolation" -- JWA "imagined a woman so oppressed by that domesticity that she'd flipped her wig." It's rad, isn't it? You can tell. She's saying enough is enough. I don't want to be fucking cute. I want to be free. Fuck your noise.
It's rad when you can see your politics in the clothes you love. I could wax on about Rei's last collection, too, but I mean... we all know how much I love her.