Over the summer, StylelikeU convinced me to partake in their relaunched Second Skin project. My friend Meagan had been in one of the first episodes the previous fashion week season and she was so stressed out about it, I was really tentative at first. But I'm also less anxious than Meagan (I SAY THIS WITH A LOT OF LOVE) so I figured it was worth a shot. The internet has a very limited perception of my style most days, so I figured whatever thrown at me couldn't get me too twisted.
I was pretty much right, but the results are truly comical. I'm kind of spacey and mellow about everything, and Dynasty is super outgoing and gregarious and anxious about the whole thing. I laughed through the entire twenty minutes when I watched it this morning.

Yeah, our style is lil' bit different. Just a little.
Here is the video. Enjoy.
Outfit credits in the first two photos -- our official "meeting" photos -- my plastic jacket and the knitted dress -- are both frequently worn in past outfit posts. Here's me with Scott, my partner who made it the dress.
Anyway, I hope you have fun watching it and you're off to a cool week.