Hey guys! I'm going to graduate school tomorrow. It all feels very "cool story bro". All I did today was take pictures of old staircases and help old men bid on stuff and sleep and sleep in canopies with my friends. Summer has already begun.
If you recognize the bag in this picture, yay! I gave you guys a little sneak peak a few posts behind of it. Here it is in all of it's glory.
Here are some pictures I took awhile ago as part of the COACH MYNY campaign. It was a total pleasure working with them and I love love love love love my bag. It's very me. Sparkly and ridiculous and useful (am I useful? I would prefer the world ~talented~). Obviously these pictures were taken when the weather was not HOTTER THAN SATAN'S ARMPITS.

This is me being a nerd. With a cool bag. This negates the nerd factor... kindofIhopemaybe.
Here's the bag if you want one of your own! Trust me, it's all kinds of awesome.

Isn't it wonderful? You know how much of a sequin hoarder I am (or if you don't and you're new to the blog, now you know. I have several piles of sequined shenanigans in my room. It's pretty awesome.).

I find it pretty funny how since these pictures were taken I've since redyed my hair twice but it's basically the same color now. My hair just likes being purple I guess.

I am not really a bag person.. I like maybe two bag companies (besides the obvious $$$$ ones) so being able to carry around this bag is so awesome. For once a bag is actually my style? A lot of the time I just use hand-me-down bags and vintage ones I tend to acculumate and sometimes people will come up to me say "that bag isn't really your style." Besides being offended (I get offended easily. I am PART ITALIAN, AFTER ALL. Also mostly Chinese. This is a potent combination of rage and perfectionist.) I usually agree with them. But this bag is so me, no one can tell me it's not or I can rub their faces with the sequin backside or you know.... hurl the bag at them. With several large textbooks inside of it. Oh wait, I don't need textbooks anymore!! MUAAHAHAHA. I'll just fill it with bricks before I fling it.
Not that I would fling it because I don't want my bag getting hurt. (But it probably wouldn't be... after using it nonstop since I've recieved it not one sequin has moved a centimeter out of place. It looks brand new!)

In conclusion, I am a very kewl kat and this bag is my spirit animal. I mean spirit bag. My spirit animal is obviously Tupac.
If you recognize the bag in this picture, yay! I gave you guys a little sneak peak a few posts behind of it. Here it is in all of it's glory.
Here are some pictures I took awhile ago as part of the COACH MYNY campaign. It was a total pleasure working with them and I love love love love love my bag. It's very me. Sparkly and ridiculous and useful (am I useful? I would prefer the world ~talented~). Obviously these pictures were taken when the weather was not HOTTER THAN SATAN'S ARMPITS.

This is me being a nerd. With a cool bag. This negates the nerd factor... kindofIhopemaybe.
Here's the bag if you want one of your own! Trust me, it's all kinds of awesome.

Isn't it wonderful? You know how much of a sequin hoarder I am (or if you don't and you're new to the blog, now you know. I have several piles of sequined shenanigans in my room. It's pretty awesome.).

I find it pretty funny how since these pictures were taken I've since redyed my hair twice but it's basically the same color now. My hair just likes being purple I guess.

I am not really a bag person.. I like maybe two bag companies (besides the obvious $$$$ ones) so being able to carry around this bag is so awesome. For once a bag is actually my style? A lot of the time I just use hand-me-down bags and vintage ones I tend to acculumate and sometimes people will come up to me say "that bag isn't really your style." Besides being offended (I get offended easily. I am PART ITALIAN, AFTER ALL. Also mostly Chinese. This is a potent combination of rage and perfectionist.) I usually agree with them. But this bag is so me, no one can tell me it's not or I can rub their faces with the sequin backside or you know.... hurl the bag at them. With several large textbooks inside of it. Oh wait, I don't need textbooks anymore!! MUAAHAHAHA. I'll just fill it with bricks before I fling it.
Not that I would fling it because I don't want my bag getting hurt. (But it probably wouldn't be... after using it nonstop since I've recieved it not one sequin has moved a centimeter out of place. It looks brand new!)

In conclusion, I am a very kewl kat and this bag is my spirit animal. I mean spirit bag. My spirit animal is obviously Tupac.