
22 February 2012

just a better place to die

Vintage sweater and jeans and necklace, thrifted GAP striped shirt, Nine West sneakers c/o brand.
Quick outfit of me on Sunday. Worst weekend ever, super stressful week, just barreling through it on a lot of empty prayers and screams into my pillow. Bandaids on my fingers because these jeans, while they actually fit me, have a weird zipper and it takes nothing less than 20 minutes to try to get them on properly. They look so good on I can't help myself though. Oh well. 

Been swamped with emails re: state of fashion blogging, too. Haven't gotten back to any of them but I will, slowly. I have a lot on my plate right now but since it's year of the Hustle I will try my hardest. Been trying to not let the stress get to me so been burying myself in self care mantras. I like this one a lot:

Only hang around people that are positive and make you feel good. Anybody who doesn’t make you feel good, kick them to the curb. And the earlier you start in your life the better. The minute anybody makes you feel weird and non-included or not supported, you know, either beat it or tell them to beat it.” -- Amy Poehler. 

Self-care is so important. Love yourself you guys. 

17 February 2012

proenza and cotton candy and jesus imitations

So this is what I wore the last day I went to shows during Fashion Week, and to Tavi's Cadaver Screening/Party.  Recognize that print? YES YOU DO. Or you should, it's from Proenza Schouler's best collection. (We're not going to mention this season ok? I was gagging when I saw the pictures.) 

Rent the Runway & Krupp Group were gracious enough to offer to dress me for the night, and I used the credit they offered me to rent one of their dresses instead to buy this on sale. It's actually a drop waist dress but I know my body shape and decided to belt it into something more fitting my petite stature and I love it so much. The texture is remarkable. I think I'll get it tailored to the shape I want eventually but belting it is easy enough  (read: doesn't cost me a penny).

Since this post is also going to include me rubbing a shoe orgasmically and pictures where I look high as fuck (I was high... ON LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!) I will be putting the rest of the pictures after a cut. They're worth the click, I promise. 

15 February 2012

I am Rutgers Video

A couple of months ago (TIME FLIES MAN) I am Rutgers approached me to do a video piece on me and another fashion blogger who goes to RU. The results are unintentionally hysterical because it just displays how completely different Melanie and I are! Seriously night and day but we both found our places in the community Rutgers provides. Have a watch and laugh hysterically at the contrast with me.

Have a good day my friends.

12 February 2012

rachel antonoff, cute cats, and horcruxes

Low key day today -- brunch with Lucrecia, then chill time with Kristin (all lesbian gossip, all the time) & a quick visit into Rafael Cennamo's presentation which was lovely and I wish I had beauty pictures of it for future reference. Here is an instagram of it, though. So pretty! Might drop by for a showroom appointment to spend more time admiring the details. 

Then we met up with Tavi and caught up and headed down to Rachel Antonoff, where it was like EVERYONE I LOVE IN ONE PLACE!! So many friends I'm not gonna spend 304924 minutes naming them. But it was so, so great and the music was great -- the Drive soundtrack -- and there was a CAT and also ADORABLE CHILDREN and A REALLY CUTE CAT and all the clothes reminded me of my favorite lady and it was just so lovely I don't even mind that my feet still hurt like hell. It was such a cute collection -- when does Antonoff ever disappoint? I was ogling the creepers and the sweatshirt in particular. Love. 

It's days like these that make me happy to be doing that I'm doing. Some Rookie readers and also blog readers said hi at the tents (HIIIIII sorry I couldn't stay longer but it was such a pleasure to meet you all!!♥) too and it just made me feel validated to be among people I care about and have known for a long time and surrounded by clothes that have so much care and thought put into them. Going to sleep with a smile on my face knowing I get to do this tomorrow, too. :') 

11 February 2012

actual coverage of shows because i talk about fashion sometimes

I'm only going to a handful of shows this season, shows my friends are styling or designing or shows I just know they'll be there. Shows I have faith in, shows I know will inspire me. Concept Korea is a presentation of 5 brands , one of the rare shows I actually bothered reporting about last season (post here). Since this is rather photo heavy, click the cut to see everything. 

I'm a bit bummed I didn't get more good photos of Lie Sang Bong's Dol Dam collection, he's my favorite designer out of the Concept Korea crew and I loved his last season so much! This was a definite turnaround in color -- no more shiny faery texture play or colorful palette, but that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting . This season he was inspired by "Dol Dam," which are traditional Korean stone walls built by stacking pieces of stone in different sizes and shapes. I could definitely see his inspiration come to play in the organic shapes and lines, it felt more earthy than last collection which was some sort of intergalactic majesty that I wanted to just drown myself in. 

10 February 2012

damned if i do

Mostly taking a photo of this outfit for my dad, he was nagging me to do it and he NEVER does that and he spent a good ten minutes pinning and tucking at my outfit before I went out to shows like a little stylist papa. It was cute. He offered to take photos of me in it (Blogger boyfriend? NO I HAVE A BLOGGER DAD!!) but he is terrible at photography, bless him. Anyway, this is what I wore to the shows today at NYFW. I opted to just wear things I like on a whim rather than plan my outfits beforehand or anything. I'm not trying to impress anyone or get photographed, I'm just going to shows to see my friends and the clothes. I have a lot of feelings similar to Cat in this article. It took me a good 45 minutes to get out of bed this morning. 

Anyway, here is my dutiful reporting of what I did today at fashion week thus far. 

This is the face I make when my friends (Meagan and Laia) talk about Jezebel and bronies. Very attractive. Oh yes. Got all the ladies lining up for me obviously. 

I really liked this street style photographer's look. He looked as disinterested in everything as I feel inside, lol. Just kidding, he just had cool style. That little spike ball thing was what initially caught my eye. 

Here are instagram photos of some of the events I went. For whatever weird reason wifi in the tents at Lincoln Center refused to work for me so these went up late. I'll post actual photos (and video) of the events in another post. 

There are some parties later on today that I might go to, but I'm kinda boring right now and think I'll nap and watch Sherlock again. Peace. 

03 February 2012

the state of fashion blogging.

I recorded this a little over a week ago, but you can probably tell by the tenor of my posts that it's been kicking around in my head for awhile. I don't know, it's scary to put this out there -- but I had to. It feels honest.