
29 January 2011

unearthly creatures of a dream

I got an email the other day from the designer Scott Park dropping a note on his new collection and how it might interest me. Well, he was right, his collection is pretty amazing and right on point with how I'm feeling right now. Also, HE has purple air which obviously means we are pretty much spiritually twins.

Anyway, his collection is pretty excellent.  Witch dreamy vibes with a dash of royal luxury and off kilter-witchery. Just the thing I'm into right now. Have a look, it's totally worth it.

UNEARTHLY CREATURE OF A DREAM SS2011 from Anna Dobos on Vimeo.

Director: Anna Dobos
Designer: Scott Park SS11
Makup: Dana Delaney
Models: Nicole Edwards @ Photogenics / / Layla Mae @ Ford
Soundtrack: "Mumbai" : oOoOO
Shot in Griffith Park

More photos and my short and simple interview with Scott after the jump. 

19 January 2011

little things i like

I stopped by Another Man's the day before my birthday because I was in the area and spent some time pillaging the racks and contemplating buying the "Satan Was A Lesbian" pop art to hang up in my dorm (I did not purchase it, but if it's still there next visit I certainly will!). I ended up buying two pairs of glasses: one faux Prada 1950's Italian gramma sunnies I will show you in another post sometime and these babies. I've been dying for some cool frames for EVER and these are so perfect. Gonna get them fitted with my prescription A.S.A.P and wearing them FOREVER.

 Got these babies last Goodwill trip for like, $5? They fit and they're great and make me like 6 ft (I am 5 2, so this is VERY IMPRESSIVE). SoOoOoO great. They are not walking shoes, going to have to get some gel footies to stuff in the heels to make them better to walk in. No big deal.

I am a very picky bag person and this is a bag I really like. I got it at Goodwill last time too. It's got so many pockets and it is the best bag ever.

A combo I have been wearing (with a dandy bowtie or my Yokoo furry ball necklace) with some lambskin pants or a schoolgirl skirt with creepers. I am into dressing like I'm dressing like my imaginary dandy girlfriend who is into punk rock and enjoys eating candy cigarettes.

My mom saw me wearing these with my lolita dress on my birthday and got so jealous she made me buy her a pair. We usually have very different tastes in shoes (she likes crocs and platform slippers) but we both  agree that creepers are fabulous.

I got myself birthday macaroons the other day too.  I have ice cream cake, macaroons, black forest pancakes and cupcakes in my fridge right now. WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING, I ONLY BELIEVE IN SUGAR AND CARBS!!!

17 January 2011

winters bones

(you can click on the photos to see them larger. Highly recommended!)



I've been rewatching my favorite movies the past week or so and Charlotte Gainsbourg in lambskin Balenciaga pants makes me cry inside because it is such a perfect combination. (She is one of my favorite people and is in a lot of my favorite movies.) As such, I've been wearing my lambskin leather pants and pretending I am her. I think I lost weight or something since I purchased them because they're kinda baggy on me now. I've only been eating cupcakes and macaroons and ice cream cake and rice for like my entire break so I don't know how I lost weight but whatever. Also, thank you so much for the birthday wishes! ♥

Scarf: Yokoo
Jacket: Coffeeshop (for review purposes)
Pants: Vintage Lambskin from Goodwill
Bag: Goodwill

14 January 2011

lookin like a new wave nun

It's my 18th birthday today you guys!!!! This is a scheduled post because I am (hopefully) out doing something productive and cool. Or I am sleeping.

It is also...the blog's 3 year anniversary. Thank you for sticking around for so long, newcomers and old friends. Through the random hiatuses and my long winded rants, I just wanna know my life wouldn't be the same without this blog and the people I've met through it. Thank you for everything. ♥ I've made the greatest friends from this blog, and I'm constantly making new friends. But I can always use more friends and new blog reads. So please leave a comment and I'd like to check out your own blogs too. :) Payin' it forward! I wanna see new blogs on my blogroll.

This is what I wore Tuesday. I woke up early to go do stuff outside my house but I got side tracked by the k-drama Secret Garden and was so consumed with rage at the main character being a huge creep and potential rapist that I didn't go out at all. (HE IS SO CREEPY I HATE HIM NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENTLY) (Ha I bet Luxirare is shaking her head at me right now. Don't judge me for my koreaboo habits!!)

wednesday addams on tuesday

Anyway yeah. I was feelin a moody dominatrix witch vibe but it ended up being a "New Wave Nun" look as my parents describe it. Whatever works I guess I don't know blahhhhh. Here is a death stare to silence any criticism of my outfit/life/choices.


More photos after the cut, along with clothing credits. Go!

11 January 2011

witchy london school girl, but lazy and freezing


I have not actually gone out of the house in like a week, taking these photos is the first time I have seen actual sunlight / bothered to change out of velour sweatpants (JUDGE ME I DARE YOU). Not my most /fav/ outfit I have worn recently, but I figured I should at least show you guys what I've purchased recently! The skirt and blazer are from my last trip to goodwill. I think I'm gonna hem the skirt a bit higher. And by 'I'm going to' I really mean "Make Mom Do it." I like the vibe of my outfits lately though, a lot more than I have in awhile. Creepers and hair in braids, gingham and plaids and awkward proportions are kind of excellent.



I hate taking outfit photos aghhhhh. I used to enjoy it much more but oh my god, my tripod is the most annoying thing I own. I wish I had someone to take photos for me like other bloggers have! PHOTOGRAPHER BOYFRIEND, WHERE U AT????? Just kidding boys are gross.


Anyway yeah my back hurts so I'm going to go drown myself in Lush bath bombs and pink bubbles in my bathtub now. Seeya. 

08 January 2011

goodwill hunting and also a giveaway

I have like five posts saved in my drafts before this post but I am antsy about not posting for such a long time (me! Saying a week is too long!! THE WORLD IS ENDING THE BIRDS ARE FALLING OH MY GOD SCREAM) but I have kind of made it an informal resolution to post at least twice a month -- hopefully four times a month!! Because blogging makes me happy and I want to get back into it. My writing in this post soudns franticl (you see what i did there im so funnny right). Sorry. So. Here is a post. Hi.


This is the interior of my favorite Goodwill store!! It is basically a second home to me. My parents worked here before I was born, and a lot of my first memories of anything ever are about the people who (used) to work here or what have you. It's in the middle of nowhere and outside of this store is a burned and destroyed white limo and a bunch of abandoned warehouses... it's kinda creepy. But the inside!! It is gold!! Thrift store gold, I tell you! I have seldom left this store without a few trashbags filled with clothes and a hundred dollars less in my pockets. Or my parents pockets. They usually go with me and buy more than I do. Being cheap about clothes runs in the family.


Whenever I do interviews for magazines or whatever and they ask me where I shop, I feel really boring when I saw Goodwill. And by 'Goodwill' I really just mean this one store. I have not stepped foot into any other clothing store in years.  I mean, besides Bergdorfs and Comme des Garcons, and those are more like religious outings to me than an actual shopping experience. Although this month I was hoping to go buy a CDG dress for myself (I'd saved up enough!!!) but that's not going to happen (again) because I spent too much in December so now I have to wait awhile. Bummer. I used to be so good at budgeting..... hahasob.

1. Marc Jacobs RTW Knockoff skirt from Target that didn't fit me but I took a picture of anyway because it's gorgeous
2. Elasticized purple deadstock vintage pencil skirt that matches my hair perfectly
3. Floor length green velvet skirt
4. Plaid schoolgirl skirt
5. Jones New York Blazer (I must have like 8 Jones blazers. I have no idea why)
6. Pendleton blazer!!! I love Pendleton. My most recent cape is from Pendleton!!
Anyway this is a clothingrack!preview of what I got at Goodwill today. Shopping to me is a very meticulous pursuit... I don't like shopping with anyone really, because I shop very slowly and go through literally every rack: even the children's section.  I don't ever really set out with a theme of what I want, but inevitably a color scheme or whatever pops up in my final purchases and it's always fun to see. Everything goes with everything else! And I always buy blazers.... I swear to god I'm going to end up a cat lady in my 70's with about a thousand blazers of all different patterns, because I already must have around 30 blazers..... and that is after selling/giving away 20. TRUE LIFE: I'M A BLAZER HOARDER.


So bummed I couldn't fit into the skirt on the left. It was sooooo best. I didn't even bother trying it on because I knew it wouldn't fit me just by doing the neck test. (wrap the top part of the skirt around your neck, if the ends don't meet around your neck it's too small. This also applies to jeans.). :( :( :(

hi dad.

This is my dad, blogfriends! If you have read this blog for awhile, you've seen lots of pictures of him when he was cool and in a band or whatever. But now he is an old wolf-like man who cannot not make creepy faces at the camera and wears leather trenchcoats 24/7 while he plays the guitar in the basement. I love him a lot. When I came out to my parents my dad was super supportive and still is. He is my favorite person.

mirror smug shot!!!

And of course this is me! I am sorry I could not show you properly all of my purchases from today but I will do so in a HUGE MEGAPOST very soon of ALL of my purchases from the past month... which there are A LOT OF. I will probably do it in video form with my d90 instead of my webcam so you can see the clothes properly though. Be excited!!! It is gonna be great. In any case here is a pic of my freshly died hair in naturalish lighting. More blue based than my old hair which bums me out but it's pretty nice I think. Also I am wearing my Yokoo scarf which I love to death.

random webcam picture because I am vain

P.S My very good shop!friends Hello Again Vintage are hosting a giveaway that ends exactly on my birthday/this blogs anniversary!! I asked them to end it on that day special so I can direct you guys there sort of like a celebration of this blog...or something. I don't know. I wanted to feel special. So go enter it because the prize is awesome and Hello Again is one of my favorite stores ever.
