
21 October 2010

purple day

As you probably know, Spirit Day was yesterday. Purple tights and purple undercut (is that what it's called? I have no idea. Kanyeshrug.)  I got into the spirit as much as I could with the limited wardrobe I've got  at my dorm. It difficult to adjust my wardrobe to be..... convenient or logical for something. Not into it. Not having all of my clothing with me has made me pare down my style a lot more than I'd like to. Building up all over again is frustrating but I'm doing it slowly.

 Walking around isn't good for high heels. I've been living in these heels for basically months now because of it. They're the most comfortable heels I own. Going back home over the weekend for some vintage sales and blow torching my college printer because it's the biggest piece of technological shit I have ever seen in my life. I am happily going to send it to Printer Hell on Saturday and I can't waitttttttttttttttttttttttt




Totally into how much like a troll I look like. Penis nose is so 2010, get into it.


Look how well I match dormitory carpeting!Okay I'm going to go back to my mid-term paper on Freud's two ideas of Ego now (read: stare blankly at The Ego and the Id for 4 hours, weep alone in library)

10 October 2010

pretty clothes pretty clothes this is an interesting title isn't it


Yesterday (or was it the day before? Time flies so fast I honestly haven't sat down for more than an hour this entire weekend) I went with Kat to the Manhattan Vintage Trunk Show. We originally had planned to also go to the FIT exhibit on Japan Fashion, but we spent so much time humping the pretty fabrics at the show there was no time to go to the exhibit before the museum closed. Ah well!

The Trunk Show was absolutely amazing -- I've never seen so much beautiful and well kept vintage all in one place. I'm taking a costume design and fashion history class so I spent a lot of time poring over the vintage pattern books and Vionnet and massive collections of old Chanel that were all around for research on a project I'm working on. Unfortch I couldn't take many pictures (it's bad etiquette at the show) but here are some that I did take.

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There was literally more Chanel at this fair than I've ever seen at the Chanel in Uptown Manhattan. Walls of Chanel. Booths of all Chanel. Chanel Chanel Chanel. Chanel is, as you all know, not my thing -- I was making keening noises at the vintage Comme on display -- but it was pretty amazing to see so much Chanel from different decades all lined up next to each other.



Totally obsessed with the twenties, it's probably my favorite decade in fashion. Vionnet was just coming in, meaning everything was still not yet cut on the bias of fabric and hung on the body rather than form fit for it. Lots of creativity and innovations to make dresses different from each other.

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It was a very long day full of camwhoring, so I've decided to break up the actual photosession I had with Kat from our visit at the show. More soon! We got pretty things that deserve their own posts, after all.

Note: you can click the last picture to be directed to the flickr lightbox, where you can see all the photos in better quality and larger dimensions. 

02 October 2010

we're not the same

LGBT Rally for Safe Space from Targum Editor on Vimeo.

I don't really know what to say that hasn't already been said by dozens of media outlets and hundreds of commenters. I didn't know Tyler or any of the kids -- only through friends. But it's still too close to home for me. I've never been in such a homophobic or judgmental environment such as Rutgers, and I mourn the death of a kid I could have gotten to know. It's frustrating and disheartening, this whole situation.
A lot of kids are like Tyler, and too many of them have decided the humility of being publicly outed and made fun of is a worse alternative than death. The world is incomprehensibly cruel. A lot of kids can't see it getting any better, and so it all falls into the deepest darkness. I wish I could help more, so I walked with my friends and queer family a few nights ago. We'll see how it goes.