
30 April 2009

i am not writing a blog intended to change your life.

i am writing it because i want to write it, and i'll write what i like.

suffer no delusions.

25 April 2009

three designers you probably should blood sacrifice to


Shin Murayama 2

Dean from IDLM gave me the heads up on this guy (I guess he would know I would like Shin due to my last layout heading, woopsydoops). Since we all know I'm not very good at critiquing a single artist -- and with Shin, I don't really feel the need -- I'm just going to bother you with excerpts from the interview IDLM gave him.

SM There are just too many people that I respect and was influenced by. But honestly, I try not to idolize anyone. If I do need to pick one person though, it would be my friend, let's call her "Turkish High School Girl." I think most artists try to become Peter Pan, stay young forever, and not be affected by how life can be jading. They want to keep themselves pure. My friend, this Turkish girl, she's the embodiment of that, and she doesn't even realize it. To me, that is art. She is an artist...

Shin Murayama 1

IDLM Do you believe artistic creativity is innate, generally and personally?
I think creativity, in itself, is a unique human characteristic, and an innate one. I also think that "artistic creativity" in the way you use it is too specific and exclusionary. You can be an artist in many ways, depending on your culture, environment. The most important thing to remember is to pursue the development of whatever skills you're naturally good at, and don't worry about categorizing things.

Shin Murayama

I really dig his work. It reminds me of Danny Mansmith, the same energy and vibe comes from it. I think if they sat in the same room, their minds would link, and then it would be like the artistic version of what could have happened between Mendel and Darwin (holy, did i actually sound smart for once? ohnoze)


Gloria Carcangiu is so fucking epic, but she has like 3 pictures anywhere on the internet?!

Technically it was a fashion school and not a single designer, but whatever. I'm not a fan of a lot of fashion schools because they can end up producing glorified prom dresses or just heinous pieces of fabric multiplied by 45835353 (IM LOOKING AT YOU, ITALY) I digged this school's last designer promotion. Here are some of my favorites.


Actually I think Lady GaGa would wear this and look even more like a man. and I'm not a fan of the color, but I still kinda dig it a lot. Chiara Baschieri.


Eleanora de Parolis is a pretty rad designer too (name is a bitch and a half to spell though, oh geez). I refrain from describing her because then it would be something disgustingly vague and cliche like... "modern chic with a twist". I think you'd all like her stuff, though none of these designers have websites up yet....

joseph font

Joseph Font is ridiculous. I saw too much McQueen/Sandra Buckland workery/Comme (via Nozomi) to be truly comfortable, but dammit, this dress is insane.

21 April 2009

this is why people think jersey children shoot their brothers in the face

prom horror

So apparently, this is where girls in my school are going to get their dresses for prom made?

Yes. I'm just going to sit here, and let that sink in for you guys..... oh, notice the darling white priest/gangsta jacket/coat/robes in such complimentary combinations such as acid green, lame, and lilac! Oh, and the lame robe gold.... toga?

prom horror

I don't even know, man. FML.

20 April 2009


Woops, I guess I went on an unofficial hiatus there huh? Life is busy busy busy busy busy. I hope you'll forgive me for not coming back with an outfit post.... pretty much all I can offer you is this. Please forgive me darlings, there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't missed you all terribly. [okay, one day all i wanted to do was watch Hana Yori Dango and honestly it is a lot more emotional than blogging, I'm not gonna front] To beg for your forgiveness, I give you many things.


Dresses we all need to band together and mob the stores for. You'll notice how a lot of these dresses are ALWAYS in my polyvores. This is because I'm really fucking obsessive over things I want and will obsess over them until I get them, then I will wear them to death (see: hooker shoes, prada lace skirt thrifted, my only comme skirt).


I am very close to talking to the chinese knockoff store on the phone about the tsumori chisato knockoff skirts (the second and third) because I really need them in my life but like, you know, since they're coming from KNOCKOFF ASIAN SWEATSHOP POSSIBLE SCAMMERS you know I'm kinda hesitant.

Maybe if I speak to them in shitty Chinese they'll be all like, "Oh, it's my brethren, I totally wont scam you, and also here are 5 more things you might like to get for 2 american dollars because I love you so much." and not rip me off 60 dollars. Maybe I can discuss asian dramas with them to gain their trust. Good idea, y/y/y/y/y?

sea of shoes
This polyvore is dedicated to Jane and her future husband, fishsticks.