
29 September 2008

holy progesterone, batman!

I am such a bad blogger. Boo on me. I am also known as "that tablecloth girl" and "iCarly" at school now. Whatevs, at least they like me enough to tease me... maybe...

Anyway here is today's outfit. I've been wearing variations of the same outfit the entire weekend and whatnot: skirt/tablecloth/sweater as a skirt.

I also have been wearing this shirt for like the past 3 days because I'm dull and I just really really like this shirt. Behold, my outfit two days ago.

Notice the INTENSE. DIFFERENCE. I could try to convince myself the first outfit is totally more a reference to mint. designs than the second one.....

but then I'd be lying. I just really like wearing things to death. My mom had a hernia when she saw me in these wooden beads. Apparently the necklace is like a million trillion years old from monks and is worth more than my life. Oh well, I can content myself with my sweater-as-skirt..

P.S The book I'm holding in that picture is called Style Deficit Disorder and it is my fashion bible.

27 September 2008

we eat marshallows and fog and call it a social life

It rained yesterday, and the fog made me happy. I love my new rainboots.

It was really cloudy and depressing the entire day, which makes me happy because I like the cold. Jew and I sat in the Gazebo overlooking Hoboken and Manhattan and had deep philosophical conversations -- well, as philosophical as we can be as 15-16 year olds eating marshmallows.

When you can see your entire life quite literally in front of you, point out every place you've ever visited because it's in front of you and can be packed into a square mile, it's very scary and very sobering. You can feel trapped wherever you are.

Meanwhile, while Abigail is scared by this fact, I can content myself with my memories of underground Taipei malls and getting lost in foreign countries, insulting their government first hand, and destroying presidential apartments before I turned 6.

Good times.

25 September 2008

please excuse me while i die slowly

Comme des Garçons H&M Dress to Cost $350.

Comme des Garçons H&M Dress to Cost $350.

Comme des Garçons H&M Dress to Cost $350.

GOD HATES ME. By God, I mean Rei. WHY REI. WHY.

Why couldn't you be like Alice + Olivia and sell awesome things for $50?

24 September 2008

Mmmm I love this dress, and I don't give a damn if lace is trendy or not. It is one of those dresses that draws people in, and it doesn't need to be a ridiculous tart color. Paired with my Balenciaga lookalike boots, I looked like a vampire. Ace.

I got this dress as a gift from Meika at Another Man's Treasure over the summer. It seems all I talk about is Meika and the league! I say league because gang makes them like Scooby Doo and they are infinitely cooler than Shaggy and Scooby. True story. And I am so stoked to walk their show, my outfit is totez hilarious and awesome.

In any case, I haven't been obsessing over fashion as much as I would like to be; my last visit to the mall completely turned me off for a bit and I am kind of in hate with everyone there. Flail flail fail.

22 September 2008


Blah monday blah responsibility just BLAH IT ALL.

So yes, remind me to never promise anything ever again because things come up and I end up looking like an irresponsible buttmunch. Not that I'm not, but I like to pretend otherwise. It makes me happy inside.

I am so stoked for the rain so I can prance about in my leather trench coat (!!!!!) and these rad shoes the lovely people at Solestruck sent me. (Thank you x23!) I don't have any practical boots and these are so bloody comfy. It was a hard choice between yet another pair of hooker heels, oxfords, and rain boots but I would never get rainboots otherwise... and I would probably end up walking in a blizzard like last year in heels and a miniskirt.

Which is not fun at all.

21 September 2008

proof i am a weeaboo

I am such a goddamn otaku, I pretty much cried when I saw G-Dragon in this spread. Ugh I am such a nerd for Big Bang, when I heard them on one of my local cafe's soundtracks I was that obnoxious girl that hums along and dances with strangers.

ANNDDD to solidify my complete loser-status in the eyes of all the non-weeaboos that read this blog, here is my favorite MV of Big Bang for you all. If you mute at the chorus, it is totez tolerable and awesome. If you listen to the whole thing, the awesome cliche yet weird dance inducing rhythmn of it is worth it!

If you're grounded during the summer and hang out with only asian girls who enjoy Final Fantasy THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. BEWARE!

p.s i am not a tone-deaf korean fanatic all the time. only 98%. don't judge, you know you probably listen to Britney Spears unironically....

19 September 2008

roller coasters and pedophiles: LETHAL WHEN MIXED.

I'm walking a show with Zoe on October 4th, for the coolest people ever.

Guess what I'll be wearing?

18 September 2008

so so so so so goooodddd

This week, despite my less than stellar opening week at school (blah) I studied and then welcomed my eyes to a million pretty things and finds. You'll see my favorite outfit of the week (or maybe two) on Friday or Saturday, but yes. This week was good.

Two collections I liked, besides Luella. Duh.

Best thing so far, though? StyleCaster's Blog is up. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait.....! Xoxo you all.

17 September 2008

lazy blogger therapy

Hi, my name is Arabelle, and I I wear tablecloths.

*chorus* Hi, Arabelle.

So I woke up this morning, was too lazy to find clothes, (my room is imploding with clothes) so I decided to wear whatever cocha-hiding garment I could see. This is said garment. I don't know why someone would make such a colorful tablecloth, but they did, and now I'm wearing it as a skirt.

I wore it down for most of the day (meaning: no cinching/draping/the answer to life is bucket) so it was boring and long, but after school I decided to be a ho and shorten it by cinching it. Cinch cinch cinch.

Also, I was talking to this underclassman in the computer lab today and she was like, "I LOVE DESIGNER LABELS like Chanel and Guess." She wanted me to buy her a Coach bag from goodwill (she offered me $0.10 to pay for it), and wanted to buy my prada skirt for $10. Also, she apparently loved fashion, but didn't like to dress up for school because it's stupid.

It made me, to put it politely, VERY AGGRAVATED. On the inside. I am not so much of a fashion asshole to burst out and begin ranting. That's lowering myself to the "Aberzombie vs. Urban Outfitters argument", of which will never have merit on this blog. And also, I am fully aware that bloggers have their own "style" and cannot be seen as better or worse than any other person for it.

Still, it made me feel really snobby to even think that she was a fashion idiot.

p.s You know my hammer pant post? It was for this contest. Please drop a comment there about my entry, I really, really, really would appreciate it thousandfold. Brownies for everyone if I win!

14 September 2008

wtf mullet hair is not gossip worthy

Man my hair looks out of control. I need a haircut.

I have what is best described as bi-polar style. I wore black, lace, and deconstructed skirts all one week and then my mc hammer pants and shiny sequins! Now I'm quite obviously back to MT. Gloom. (This was from Sunday, btw).

On another note, I LOVE YOU ZOE. Thank you for the awesome jumper thing, it's gorgeous and harem-pant like and comfy as hell. Best thing to get in Physics.. ever?

And on yet another note (my use of transitional phrases is nonexistent), this collection of photographs = PHENOMENAL. Jaw dropping.

Speaking of jaw dropping.... thank you so much for the emails on inspiration and just general awesomeness! I literally cried reading one of them (you know who you are). I love you to pieces.

13 September 2008

nananana na na nana can't touch this

I'm backkkkkkkk~. Or rather, inspiration is.

1st Top: Silk blouse, vintage
2nd Top: Three Stooges Shirt, Another Man's Treasure Vintage
Sequin Jacket: LYD vintage
MC Hammer Pants: Vintage handmedown
Sneakers: Foot Locker
Accessories: Gift, Thrift, Vintage

Also... I thought people might want to point and laugh. I've already done so at myself for about an hour, so wooooo!

Mmmm I love being awkward in front of thousands of people. My asian smile = charming you forever, I know.

Today I dressed like this out of spite of trends. This outfit has pretty much everything I like: absurdity, loud colors, obnoxiousness, hammer pants, and shiny. Lots of shiny. I've been dressing in all black, drapey, deconstructured and lace this week so it was a welcome change. Also, I'm getting these glasses with a prescription soon (my current pair fail at everything) so yes. Preview time?


11 September 2008

I'm losing inspiration.

09 September 2008

I've been reading so much on colleges I'm freaking dreaming about colleges. My mother is a very negative Asian and tells me horror stories about how my cousins (hello, HARVARD, YALE, COLUMBIA) all either failed out or didn't get in even though they were 1) top of their class 2) national merit scholars 3) jesus. She doesn't mention the cousins that are successful because that would INVOLVE NOT MAKING ME DEPRESSED.

Needless to say, I am pretty sure I am going to become a time traveling ninja pirate who will go back in time, invent sequins, make millions, come back, and live it up.

And that does not require a college degree. So there.

Omg that is a freaky photo. my hand wasn't even near the frame, where the hell did this man hand come from D:

In other news, for some reason outfit prices came up in Pre-cal today and people seemed insulted that my outfit cost $6, not including my payless shoes. Hahaha.


08 September 2008

Hello, boys and girls. I've been getting curious emails from kids wanting to know this "really awesome surprise" I mentioned in the previous posts.... well, I'll give you a hint.

It's to do with StyleCaster. You'll hear about it soon enough from a certain fashion bible (or two) and soon enough all will be revealed about this amazing site. Think of it as an of-the-moment inspiration board, communication network, and lifestyle community. Only better—it changes and is personalized for you, no matter where you are. It took two years to put it together…. and the headline leaders? Will blow you away.

I was invited over for a sneak peek and was shown around by *cough*former elle editors, lucky editors*cough* the staff. But of course, I have sworn secrecy on the juiciest bits. (Though I think I’ve told more than I should, anyway!) I can tell you, however, that if you pre-register you will find out sooner rather than later.

And oh, who knows? You might see a familiar face...?

Trying not to imitate Gossip Girl and failing miserably,


06 September 2008

HE IS NOT KOREAN JESUS, he's like a modern goku

Junior year of high school = lamezorz. My brain feels dead.

I know I talk about ~avant garde~ and textures and patterns and blah quite a lot, but I don't really attempt to wear it that often? When I do, I don't really document it because it's just me piling on a lot of pointy things with shiny things and parading around the house or to the corner store, what have you.

I bought this skirt whilst shopping with Stephanie. Also, behold my PRETENTIOUS SELF PORTRAIT. It's like a really bad karl imitation. And man, dusk is generous to my skin. I love natural light.

*pedostare at ben* My bad attempt at Margiela shoulders WILL CUT THROUGH YOU.

Anyway, so now that Tavi and I have both shown you our CDG inspired outfits, we will skip off into the sunset and have another epic phone conversation about Tyra and her crazy antics. *chrorus* Oh, Tyra!

03 September 2008

you are my tiny dinosaur

Dear Tokyo Fashion Week,

I fucking LOVE you. You are what made me love fashion. MY ONE TRUE LOVE. And you did not disappoint me.

I love it love it love it love it love it. Very on point with the gothic, victorian look that's going to be big in the fall... and a long time love. I want it all. It is, however, a bit too reminiscent off CDG's early 2000 FW show...still, I'd buy it all if I had all the money in the world.

Noriko Fukushima. Adore the pastel colors. It's so girlish and...pretty! I love the petal references. It's definitely a feminine collection...something I probably wouldn't wear it it were not for the petal like pleats and wrapping. It'd be cool to experiment with and boy up.

Support Surface. So clean and cerebral. It reminds me of aliens, actually. In a good way, of course. I love the pink dress and the necklaces. It's not entirely my style but the necklaces and the top/vest... yes please.

Aguri Sagimori. Not my favorite. I adore the bookmark jacket, but other then that.... meh. It's too blank for me. And the hair looks like she's hiding crack in her hair.

Kamishima Chinami. I love you I love you I love you.Ruffles? Yes. Shag? Yes. Odd Gareth Pugh black tile-esque things? I'll have several, thank you very much. Texture whores rejoice, for this is the collection for us.

Monotari Ono. See what I mean by the court dress / Victorian vibe of it? A lot of the pieces looked like they had a poor fit but I'm a sucker for ruffles and lace... it reminds me of Vampire Knight (hi weeaboos).

Fur Fur. ........ this would be excellent for camouflage in an overgrown garden or something. I am not a fan of the styling, it covers the clothes. Digging the blazer in the second outfit.

Ne-Net. Ok. No. I think the dress would be cool in an editorial... or just the top half. And the yellow top could potentially be interesting. But I really dislike it overall. D: Sadface.

AND SO MUCH MORE AHHHHHH ILYSM FASHION. You make me happy when skies are grey--or flourescent halogen, as I think of you in AP Physics... p.s OUTFIT POST SOON. I know you all miss my ugly mug.